New Recipes
Krupnik Maślakowy Mushroom Barley Soup is a great seasonal dinner idea for Autumn. If you happen to get fresh…
Last weekend we went to Mazuria district to visit my parents. It was the second year we celebrated our…
Last weekend we went to Mazuria Lake district in the North East of Poland. We went mushroom picking twice…
Polish Farmers Goulash Soup is a thick, full of meat, country style soup, filling and warming, perfect in Autumn….
When there is a season for tomatoes, we should use it and cook this gorgeous Tomato soup with fresh…
Last days of summer and the beginning of autumn is a perfect time to cook Fresh Tomato Soup. In…
Grochówka Autumn food needs to be warming, filling and thick. It needs to be comforting during long, dark, chilling…
Yesterday was the last day of Summer:( In order to keep some Summer tastes for short cold Winter days,…
Plum & Cheese Yeast Buns Sunday afternoon is a perfect time for Polish Yeast Sweet Buns. This kind of…
Most Popular Recipes
May stringing nettle discourages from collecting – its stinging hairs on the leaves and stems cause itching after contact…
Chocolate Babka is one of the most classic and beloved pastries in Polish cuisine. Its moist interior and rich…
Fat Thursday is traditionally the last Thursday before Lent. You can eat sweets and specially lots of polish doughnuts…
Cauliflower Spring Soup is great in spring, when cauliflower is fresh and beautiful, but actually you can prepare it…
I remember my mom used to make Ajerkoniak before many holidays and celebrations. Back in those days, flavored vodkas…
Herring is one of the most iconic dishes in Polish cuisine. Found on holiday tables, especially during Christmas and…
Ogórki Kiszone recipe For many Poles, pickled cucumbers, Ogórki Kiszone (pronounced: o-goor-kee kee-shoh-neh), are more than just a side…
Delicious vegetarian Millet Stuffed Peppers are a staple in my house. In fall months peppers are cheap, so I…
Parzybroda Świętokrzyska Parzybroda is a simple dish made from potatoes and cabbage, with bacon and onions. It’s one-pot peasant…