New Recipes
Bear’s Garlic Creamy Soup is a full of vitamins Spring soup. A season for bear’s garlic (which can be…
I’ve made Dandelion syrup few times so far. It’s so tasty. My children like pancakes splashed with Dandelion syrup…
This Chłodnik – cold soup – my Grandma was making us quite often, we loved to eat it accompanied…
Galareta, Zimne Nogi, Zimne Nóżki, Studzienina, Nóżki w Galarecie, Galert All of the names above have the same meaning,…
Pasztet Świąteczny – Christmas and Easter Baked Pate Baked pate is one of the meats we have for special…
Apple and vanilla custard shortcrust is a kind of Polish Szarlotka, an extra layer of custard makes this pie…
Krokiety z kapustą i grzybami Sauerkraut and Mushroom Croquettes are one of the staple dishes in Poland for Wigilia….
Orzechowiec Honey and Walnut Cake is in Poland either called Orzechowiec (walnut cake) or Miodownik (honey cake). The difference…
Kluski Szare If You like potato dumplings, you’d love Kluski Szare. They are called grey – because of their…
Most Popular Recipes
Chłodnik Litewski Lithuanian Cold Borsch is my soup number one in Summer. When there is hot outside, you will…
One of the first street foods and fast foods in Poland, with origins in socialistic 80ties. Zapiekanka – Roasted…
If you like Ruthenian Pierogi you’d love Ruthenian Pancakes! Half that work needed, yet the taste is so good….
Last weekend we went to Mazuria district to visit my parents. It was the second year we celebrated our…
For me Spring in Poland has a flavor of fresh vegetables: dill, radish, beets, cucumbers, young cabbage and potatoes….
In Poland we love one pot dishes, just like this one: Polish Pork Stew. You invest your time once…
When I was 6-8 years old, we would spend vacations on our large gardening plot and sleep in a…
Makowiec Polish Poppy Seed Roll Makowiec is traditional Polish dessert, in my family we always have it for both:…
Bear’s Garlic Creamy Soup is a full of vitamins Spring soup. A season for bear’s garlic (which can be…