Autumn Food

Autumn food needs to be warming, filling and thick. Needs to be comforting during long, dark, chilling evenings. Check Polish recipes for Autumn.

Jellied Pigs Feet

Galareta, Zimne Nogi, Zimne Nóżki, Studzienina, Nóżki w Galarecie, Galert All of the names above have the same meaning, they describe one Polish dish – Jellied Pigs Feet. In my family house we called it Galareta as it actually is and looks like a meat and veggies jelly. You don’t add extra gelatin as bones

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Polish Ukrainian Barszcz

Barszcz Ukraiński This is my mom’s version of Barszcz Ukraiński. Polish Ukrainian Barszcz is probably more Polish than Ukrainian, this is just a soup that we call Barszcz Ukraiński. Compared to typical Polish barszcz there is more vegetables and for me, the main difference is that we add white beans and cabbage to Polish Ukrainian

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