Spring Food

5 kinds of Polish Potato Dumplings

Review of Polish Potato Dumplings – check if you know them all! Potatoes are one of the most popular food ingredient in Poland. They are cheap and can be easily stored during winter. Potatoes may be easily called a poor food. In the cities you can have pasta and rice more often, but in historically

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Polish Redcurrant Kompot

I cooked Polish Redcurrant Kompot, as lately I got a plenty of redcurrant from my friend. Kompot is a drink, that Poles usually drink to dinner. It is served in every Polish office and school’s canteen. Kompot is a fruit drink made of fresh or dried fruits. Wikipedia says that the tradition of kompot drinking

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Polish Plum Yeast Cake

Taste of the childhood in Poland. My Grandma was baking this Polish plum yeast – risen cake on Saturdays afternoons. We were eating still warm pieces of cake with cold milk. Yummy:) You can have Polish Yeast Cake actually with any seasonal fruits. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, rhubarb – all would go great with a yeast

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Polish Plum Potato Dumplings – Knedle ze Śliwkami

Polish Plum Potato Dumplings are one of my favorite Summer sweet dinners from childhood. Sweet & cinnamon flavored plums, soft potato dough and crispy buttered breadcrumbs, topped with sweet cream, make Knedle a special dish, that is loved by all Poles. One of the tastes of Polish Summer. If you have potatoes left from dinner,

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Polish Apple Cake – Szarlotka

Polish Apple Cake – Szarlotka is one of the most popular desserts in Polish families and in cafes in Poland. Can be served cold or warm, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a whipped cream. This a a recipe of my mother, with one difference: she always topped the pie with meringue. Cinnamon,

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