
New Recipes

Polish Greek Fish

Polish Greek Fish

Ryba po grecku Nobody knows why fried fish with steam veggies is in Poland called Polish Greek Fish:) It…

Rhubarb Cake

Rhubarb Cake

In spring I use spring fruits. Rhubarb is one of them. It gives the cake moisture and a little…

Young Pine Shoots Syrup

Young Pine Shoots Syrup

In May I am preparing syrup from pine shoots. Young Pine Shoots Syrup helps to heal cough and boost…

Roasted Turkey Fillet

Roasted Turkey Fillet

Simple, quick preparation and here you go: 2 lunches to take with you to work. Try Roasted Turkey Fillet…

Stewed Young Cabbage

Stewed Young Cabbage

In spring, when vegetables start to grow, they are the freshest and the most delicious. Cabbage, potatoes, dill, cucumber-…

Polish Potato Babka

Polish Potato Babka

Polish Potato Babka – potato cake is official regional dish of Podlasie: Northeastern part of Poland. It is filling…

Zapiekanka – Roasted Baguette

Zapiekanka – Roasted Baguette

One of the first street foods and fast foods in Poland, with origins in socialistic 80ties. Zapiekanka – Roasted…

White Radish Salad

White Radish Salad

White Radish Salad can be a nice everyday portion of raw vegetables on your table. Surówka is in polish…

Chicken Aspic

Chicken Aspic

In 80-ties in Poland it was very common to celebrate a name day. One checked the calendar and if…

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Most Popular Recipes

Prune Stuffed Pork Loin

Prune Stuffed Pork Loin

Schab ze śliwką Yesterday I was chatting at the butchers in a long queue, an old lady inspired me…

Roast Rolled Pork Belly

Roast Rolled Pork Belly

Rolada z boczku When I was talking with my Mom on the phone, we were discussing Easter and what…

Polish Meatloaf with Eggs

Polish Meatloaf with Eggs

Pieczeń Rzymska, Klops Polish Meatloaf with hard boiled Eggs appears to be a popular Easter dish in Poland. It…

Polish Gyros Salad

Polish Gyros Salad

Polish Gyros Salad is very popular on parties in Poland, it is easy to prepare and delicious. It’s name…

Parsley and Pear Soup

Parsley and Pear Soup

Zupa z gruszki i pietruszki Parsley and Pear Soup is a soup that has become very popular last years…

Roasted Turkey Fillet

Roasted Turkey Fillet

Simple, quick preparation and here you go: 2 lunches to take with you to work. Try Roasted Turkey Fillet…

Forest Moss Spinach Cake

Forest Moss Spinach Cake

Leśny Mech Forest Moss Spinach Cake is not a traditional Polish cake, but is something that got very popular…

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