New Recipes
Fresh Kiełbasa in Horseradish Sauce is an easy and so delicious dish. If you have a pack of fresh…
Karkówka w Kapuście Kiszonej Pork Neck in Sauerkraut is a classic of Polish cuisine – a combination of juicy…
Rolada biszkoptowa z galaretką i bitą śmietaną Sponge Cake Roll with Jelly is a classic dessert loved by both:…
Parzybroda Świętokrzyska Parzybroda is a simple dish made from potatoes and cabbage, with bacon and onions. It’s one-pot peasant…
Chocolate Babka is one of the most classic and beloved pastries in Polish cuisine. Its moist interior and rich…
Pierogi are a beloved and iconic dish in Polish cuisine, that have been cherished for generations. This time I…
Łazanki, Halusky Łazanki Noodles and Cabbage is simple dish made of noodles, kiełbasa and sauerkraut. In Poland we call…
My mom used to called them schabowe made of chicken;) My kids called them flat cutlets:) Let me present…
Herring in Oil is a really common herring dish in Poland. It is usually prepared with onions, which is…
Most Popular Recipes
Classic Polish Chocolate cake is easy and delicious. Moist and fluffy, delicate, with perfect amount of cocoa and sweetness….
Zupa ogórkowa Sweet and sour soup, easy to prepare, if you use vegetable stock – will be great for…
Pączki (pronounced as: ponchkee) are one of the most popular Polish sweet pastries both in Poland and abroad. They…
Groch z kapustą Phrase “peas and cabbage” in Polish common language is defined as mixing two things which do…
Polish Żurek is a soup traditionally prepared for Easter. In some Polish families White Borsch is cooked instead of…
I remember my sisters making Jello Cold Cheesecake years ago, when we were all living with parents. I don’t…
Proziaki – Polish Soda Bread can be a life saver once you run out of bread on Sunday. You…
In my neighborhood there is a place with best cream horns in Warsaw. It’s called Rurki z Wiatraka, they…
In Winter I love eating sauerkraut and I often cook it. I like Fuczki – fritters with sauerkraut, I…