I have read about it last year, but it was to late to forage, this year I remembered to collect young hop shoots and I made hop shoots in butter and garlic. I steamed it first and then sauteed on frying pan. Recipe is easy, while the main ingredient is not so obvious. One can associate hops with beer production, but with delicious dish? Never!
Hop shoots for me taste a little bit like asparagus and a bit like string beans, I would say something between them. They even look like asparagus and can be served the same way. You may try them with white sauce like the one in this recipe.

- handful or 2 fresh hop shoots
- 1 garlic clove
- tablespoon butter
- salt
Pick young hop shoots. Choose only the youngest shoots approximately 15-20 centimeters (6-8 inch) long. The best time for that is April and early May, at least in Poland. Clean hop shoots and steam them for about 10 minutes.
Dissolve butter in the frying pan. Add chopped garlic clove. Saute for a minute and add hop shoots, season with salt. Saute for another few minutes (5-6) and it’s ready.
You can also add breadcrumbs to hop shoots in butter and serve just like string beans. It would be exactly as in the recipe from 200 years ago (here is a link to the source of information):

This is how hop plant looks like, but please, check other sources, if you are not sure:

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