Cebularze Lubelskie – Onion Rolls

In two weeks we are going to visit Lublin. Each time we are going for holidays we try to get to know as much as possible about the region we go. Kids task was to check Lublin area legends, I am checking regional cuisine and trying to find places to eat the best regional food. One of the most popular regional dishes from Lublin voivodship are Cebularze Lubelskie – Onion Rolls with onion and poppy seeds filling. We are definitely having them once we are on holidays, but first I made them myself. They turned out aromatic, filling and comforting. Very nice for Polish second breakfast 😀 or a perfect snack while Lublin sightseeing.


  • 500 g/ 4 cups flour
  • 250 ml/ 1 cup of milk
  • egg
  • 1 teaspoons salt
  • 1 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 30 g fresh yeast ( or: 1 package of dry yeast)


  • 2 onions
  • 3 flat tbs poppy seeds
  • 2 tablespoons canola oil
  • 1 flat teaspoon salt

For filling:

Skin the onions, dice them and saute in oil, add salt. Don’t let them get burnt. Set aside and add poppy seeds, mix well. Tradition says that it is the best to prepare the filling one day before baking cebularze lubelskie – onion rolls.

For the dough:

Combine yeast and sugar, add warm milk and 2 tbs of flour. Mix well, cover with cloth and set aside for 15 minutes for rising.

After that sieve flour into a big bowl, add salt and an egg. Pour yeast mixture into the bowl and mix all in a food processor using a hook. Add melted cooled butter. Knead until you get smooth dough, which pulls away from the sides. If it keeps being sticky add some flour.

Form a ball, place it in a bowl sprinkled with flour. Cover with cloth and let rise for an hour. It should about double by this time.

After an hour knead the dough again in hands on the pastry board. Cut it into 12 parts. Roll out each part into round shape. You can make a delicate hollow in the middle, this would be the place for the filling. Place rounds on the baking tray covered with baking paper. Fill rolls with onions and poppy seed filling, cover with cloth and let rise for another half an hour.

Preheat the oven to 180 C/360 F. Brush the rolls with beaten egg and place them in the oven. Bake for 25 minutes.

For more regional recipes check: Polish Regional Cuisine.

Comment on the post if you have questions, other ideas on the recipe or just enjoyed reading. I would be happy to see your thoughts on my posts!

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6 thoughts on “Cebularze Lubelskie – Onion Rolls”

    1. Vanessa, I made adjustments in the recipe, so that all was clear, thank you for your comment! Aleksandra

    2. When it comes to yeast – the best would be check on the package for how much flour it suits. Depending on the country you live, there may be different standard packages available.

  1. To nie jest prawidłowy przepis, do ciasta na cebularze nie dodaje się chociażby jajka. Farsz też przygotowuje się inaczej. Warto więc zmienić nazwę tego przepisu i napisać po prostu “cebularz”, bo nazwa “cebularz lubelski” jest chroniona i nie jest tożsama z tym przepisem. Pozdrawiam!

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