Zupa z fasoli “Piękny Jaś”
Once I came across fresh large bean on the local farmer market, I wanted to cook Bean and Sausage Soup. The bean was called Piękny Jaś, meaning: Handsome Johnny:) This flat, kidney-shaped bean is white, large, delicate and a little bit sweat in taste. It is actually a regional specialty, specific to south of Poland, original Piękny Jaś is the one grown in Nowy Sącz areas.

I got fresh beans, at the same time I was craving Polish kiełbasa. My children asked for tomato soup, so I decided to please everyone and make Beans and Sausage Tomato Soup:) Almost 2 in 1, but the effect was aww so good:)
Try my hearty, filling, satisfying and comforting soup, that will warm you up and give energy to face daily challenges.
- half kg / 2 cups of fresh or dried beans
- half kg of good smoked kiełbasa
- 1 liter passata – tomato juice
- 4 potatoes
- 1 tablespoon marjoram
- salt and pepper
Vegetable stock:
- 2 carrots
- 1 leek
- 1 celery
- an onion
- parsley root and greens
- 2 bay leaves
- 4 allspice seeds
- salt, pepper
Beans preparation
Place dried beans in a bowl, cover with water and some more. Dried beans would soak water and be cooked faster. Leave overnight.
The next day drain beans, place them in a pot, cover with water. Bring to boil and simmer for about an hour or till bean is cooked.
Fresh beans don’t need to be pre-soaked:)
If you don’t have time you can use canned beans too.

Vegetable stock preparation
Peel carrot and parsley root and slice them. Peeled celery cut into pieces. Peel and toast an onion over the fire. I’ve got electric cooker, so I use a one of the burners to do it.You can also use a hot dry pan. Clean leek.
Place vegetables in a large pot, cover with water. Add bay leaves and allspice. Bring to boil and simmer for 45 minutes to get an aromatic stock. Season with salt and pepper. Take out celery, leek and onion. Keep carrots and parsley for bean soup.
You can prepare stock a day before.
Ready store bought stock will be fine too, if you like:)
How to prepare Kiełbasa
Slice Polish sausage, place them in a baking pan covered with baking paper. Place in the oven and roast for 40 minutes in 180 C/ 360 F. It would give an extra flavor to your soup.
Last stage – making soup
Place cooked beans into pot with vegetable stock (you need about 2 liters of stock). Peel potatoes and dice them, transfer to soup. Add tomato juice (passata) and bring to boil. Add sliced baked sausage and simmer for half an hour or until potatoes are cooked.
Serve bean and sausage soup straight away, generously garnished with chopped green parsley, but actually soup is even better reheated on the next day:)
Autumn for me is a season of soups. To check more of Polish soups check: https://cookinpolish.com/category/recipes/soups/.

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