Plum & Cheese Yeast Buns
Sunday afternoon is a perfect time for Polish Yeast Sweet Buns. This kind of buns are very popular in Poland to have it for ‘second breakfast’ at school or in the office.
For more Polish desserts check:

- 3 egg yolks
- 100 g/4 oz butter
- 35 g/ 1.2 oz fresh yeast
- 3 tbs sugar
- 1 cup of warm milk
- 600 g/ 1.5 oz flour
- 0,5 ts salt
- 250 g/ 0.6 lb dry farmers cheese
- 3 tbs cane sugar
- 1 egg
- 400 g/ 1 lb plums
Spread the yeast with 1 ts of sugar, add warm milk and 2 tbs of flour. Mix well, cover with cloth and set aside for 15 minutes. It will rise at least twice.
In the meantime sieve 400 g /1 lb of flour into a big bowl, add salt, the rest of sugar and mix all. Pour yeast solution into the bowl and mix with a wooden spoon. Gradually add egg yolks and mix for 5 more minutes till the dough is smooth. You can also use a food processor to do it (use a hook).
Gradually add soft butter and mix the dough till its not sticky. Add more flour if needed. I added 200 g/0,5 lb of flour more, only then the dough was not sticky. Set aside to the warm place for rising (1 hour).
In the meantime prepare the filling: mix dry farmers cheese with sugar and an egg. Use a fork.
After an hour roll out the dough till it’s about 0,5 cm thick. Cut big rounds, about 10 cm diameter, put on the baking paper in the baking dish. Place a tablespoon of cheese filling in the middle and place half of plum on it. Press lightly. Brush the dough with left beaten egg whites.
Leave for 15 minutes for rising, place in a oven preheat to 180 C/ 360 F. Bake for 25-30 minutes till brownish.
And enjoy your Plum & Cheese Polish Yeast Sweet Buns with your family:) Smacznego!
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