May stringing nettle discourages from collecting – its stinging hairs on the leaves and stems cause itching after contact with this plant.
Although it is really worth the effort – it has a great influence on health: it’s rich in vitamins A, C, K1, B and minerals: iron, potassium, manganese and calcium, it has also cleansing effect on the body and helps digestion.

It is a wild growing plant, common on countryside. I found my may stinging nettle in the forest.
Harvest only young plants, the best and most valuable are in April and May. There is a term for it- ‘May nettle’. You can dry them then and store for the rest of the year.
When you place stinging nettle in water or cook it, the plant stops being stinging and can be eaten safely .
How can you use nettle?
- dried nettle drink as a tea
- add it to soups
- cook Nettle Soup
- fry on butter with garlic and serve with pasta
- add to green shakes
- add to stuffed eggs for Easter
- prepare pesto
- add to omelette
- prepare cottage cheese with sour cream and nettle,
- add to hummus
- etc…

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